Can you believe we are in the last month of summer? This summer is flying by and I hope it's been full of wonderful memories for you.
It’s that busy time of the year when you find yourself putting things off until next month… you’ll start the home project when it isn’t so hot out or clean your car when the kids are back in school OR you’ll work on your fitness goals when things slow down. Trust me, I feel you, I’m guilty of doing the same thing right now!
But when you really think about it, there is no need to wait, no time is better than another; it's just an excuse. So instead of making excuses to start your fitness journey in a month (or more) I wanted to give you THREE small daily habits that you can easily start today and that won’t take a ton of effort, time or money.
Go for a walk every day. Start small (even just 5 minutes) and increase your time and length each day. This will get you in the habit of moving and before you know it you will be one of those crazies that's tracking your daily steps (guilty 🙋🏼♀️.)
Have a glass of water before your coffee. Coffee on an empty stomach can wreak havoc on your gut and hormones. In addition, your body is completely dehydrated from not having any water all night. So let’s start the day right with a big glass of cold water and see how much better you feel.
Turn off electronics an hour before bedtime. How often do you find yourself scrolling your Instagram account, Netflix or the latest tik tok reels late into the night? I used to do this and find myself staying up WAY later than I wanted to and never feeling fully rested by the time my alarm went off in the morning. I now set a timer to turn off my phone by 9pm (my bedtime is 10pm) and have been finding myself getting to bed earlier and feeling more rested in the morning.
By incorporating these small daily habits into your routine TODAY you will find that you will slowly build upon them and be well on your way to your fitness goals before you know it.
Ready to add more small habits into your day? Check out these 5 that you can easily incorporate today.
Happy August!